1 - Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.
2. Use a mirror! It seems so obvious, but how to use mirrors is important, too – take it down from the wall, and experiment!
I like this photo because they a picture from inside the persons mouth which is pretty interesting i wounder how they took the photo in the mouth. But you can obviosly tell that its a dentist.
I think this the guitar player from the rolling stones im not sure well he looks like as old as a dinosaur. But anyways i like this photo because you can really tell that this person is an artist by the guitar the book and the cup of tea kinda puts the whole artistit thing in a nut shell i think.
I like this portrait because its old school its like this guy was the inavator of self portrait photography.
I like this photo because this dude looks extreamly brutal hes like a skeleton puppet or something.He must of use some program on the computer but whatever it was he was extreamly creative.
I like this photo because this guy looks really fancy and casual with his pipe and his robe.
This guy looks cool he looks like a preacher im not sure what that is behind him though.
Im probly going to take a picture of one of those statue eagles and im going to use croping and suplicity because there s ethier other pictures or book shelves around that might get in my picture. There are to statue eagles im talking about one in the main office and one in the library im going for the one in the main office. But to be honest im not very sure what i really want to do the whole eagle thing is just a little idea to get me started.
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