Beast of man by Arch enemy I like this song because the guitar player Micheal Amott i think has really found his real tone and as a mucian and as a guitar player he has become a very musical with his playing. Over all I still feel this band is still pretty heavy and i feel as if they became more musical as a group. Just because they know how to write its not just crazy fast death metal.
2. What was the best movie of 2010?
Unstoppable this movie is about a run away train that could have been easily avoided . But they are trying to keep the train away from the city because the run away train contains a highly combustion able chimerical that can destroy the whole city.
3. What was the most important news story of the year?
World Trade 9 11 Ground Zero Discovery
According to the April 5 edition of BBc scientists searched a decade later for any remains of over 1,000 people still missing from the 9 11 attack which occurred Sept 11 2001 and caused the collapse of the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York City. On July 15, workers constructing the new World Trade Center discovered an 18th Century 32 ft-long ship (9.8m) hull in an abandoned riverbed at Ground Zero.

James Cameron
Cameron released a movie that topped his own box-office record and, oh yeah, changed movie going forever. The first film to assert 3-D technique as genuine artistic device, Avatar didn't just entrance audiences around the world; it altered the way Hollywood studios thought about making and marketing blockbusters
5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment, story OR person of 2010 (you should google what is appropriate for your choice) When Conan o Brian got his big come back from Tbs after being canceled by nbc. Now he has a really funny show on tbs called Conan it s a great show it airs before lopez tonight . I only watched it a few times before but its pretty hilarious.
Finally, I want to know about YOUR holiday.
1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun. I got a really cool drum machine i can program or create beats in it and write bass parts and program it in there so i can write music and play along with it its really great tool to have when it comes to writing and creating your own music. But it dose not replace the connection musicians have when they all jam together.
2. What are your resolutions for the 2011 year? Survive the year and jam more and excersise more also past the taks test. And get my full licenses so i dont have to take the bus anymore also too pass my junior year so i can relax my senior year.
3. What are you looking forward to in 2011? The guitar field trip to new york and the battle of the bands competition also my uil and solo and ensemble competition so im pretty busy this year jamin.
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