1. Alot of questions
2. many pictures of students doing activities
3. many pictures of prep rallies and sports
4. pictures of festivals
5. Index
6.Theres pictures of a HOCKY TEAM !
8. alot of shool spirit photos
Things that should be in a yearbook
1. Theres a cover that says MOVE
2. Theres the year and the school
3. The Theme- move
4. volume number
5. Contents - in sheet
6 Contents -desine/ pictures/ theme elements
7 . in sheet holds the cover together
8 . same thing i saw in the front
9. 2 in sheets
10 there is the Homecoming king and queen and the marching band title page when the shool was made
11. Spread - two pages side by side that work together
6 dividers
12. i see the Theme pictures of the prep rally people who made the year book index, pictuers of band news paper staff, pictures of clubs ,Thank you section, Ads. 5 pages of ads .
13. Alot of white people
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