Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Making in black and white print

1.) List the materials (equipment) necessary to make a black and white print.         

  Timers , drying cabinets , tongs , enlargers , focusing Aids , Safe lights. 
2.) List the chemicals we might be using to make a print and where one would buy those chemicals.  

Developer, stop bath, fixer. Kodak site          
 3.) Summarize in one or two paragraphs the process from start to finish    
Secure the lens in the enlarger which sits directly above photo rotate the apeture ring and turn on the enlarger light. Switch enlarger light off then take a piece of print paper place it on the base board shiny side up. Place negatives side up on top of print paper . Set enlarger timer for 10 seconds  Time will vary depending on the negative.        

4.) Post a photo of the equipment necessary to make a black and white print

1. emulsion-A mixture of too or more liquids.

2. aperture- Its the whole where light travels in a camera. 

3. masking easel-Photo print paper.

4. exposure- the amount of light in a photo.

5. safe light- provides illumination without the wavelengths of the light spectrum.

6. dodging-  a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area.
7. burning-  adds more exposer to the area.

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