Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ethics in fashion potography

1. List the changes that were made to the model's face in the computer.        

They made her neck longer and lowered  her eyes and made her hair longer they pretty much altered her whole face.    

2. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like this in a photo? Why or why not?        

Its not at all because its false advertisement and a lie and im sure a lot of girls look up to that not knowing its all fake.                  

3. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?

Well if there was someone in witness protection trying to run away from a killer then yes i think it would be appropriate.      

4. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?          

Changing the furniture and your clothes ma by the way you smell . The changes that are not cool are altering peoples faces for false advertisement ,plastic surgery and in attitude like bad attitude.  

5. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.     

Its about fashion and whats new in cloths and people and photo j is we take a topic and post photos and talk about these photos.    

6. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?            It has no relationship its all Fake and media.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Negative s Evaluation

1. From looking at your negatives, how many of your photos do you think turned out well?    

Well not any of them Because I had a problem trying to adjust the ex poser in the camera.  

2. How many of your photos appear like they will not turn out well? Why do you think these photos did not turn out (Ex: Over/under exposed, not focused, bad composition)?     

The majority of the photos were over exposed really because once again i had trouble with adjusting the camera .                 

3. Select the negative image that you think will turn out the best when it is printed. Why do you think this photo will turn out well?           

The photo that my partner took in a portable art class will most likely to come out the best. Because its well really the only photo that is well took and exposed.          

4. What technical aspects of photography (focus, exposure, composition) do you think are present in your best negative? What evidence can you provide from the appearance of the negative to support your answer?  

Well i think the technical aspect that is focus because in the photo is the two guys drawing in art class and that seems to be the main subject of the photo.                  

5. What advanced composition techniques (Ex: rule of thirds, leading lines) that you have learned in class are present in your favorite negative?                          

There was a photo i took that had leading lines and repetition it was in this classroom with many rows of computers and two students hard at work. But I dont think it came at right at all. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

photo minipulation

A.This story is mostly about how these photographer s around the world altered their photos just to make a cretin topic either better or worse. And how its ironic that two photographers lost their jobs on April fools day.  

 B. I honestly think its unethical because if the topic is already controversial in the first place i think there's no need for making it worse then it all ready is .  But i also think its helpful in some ways for example if a university is trying to bring more students to their campus like you see in that one picture when they added the black guy into the crowd full of white folks to show other students that this certain university has diversity.

  A. I think this photo is unethical because at the time this was a very touchy subject for many Americans and i think its just wrong for the media to things worse then they already are.        

 This photo is not unethical at all because they were just simply trying to make do with the format of the cover  All they did was take those two pyramids and alter them to make them closer because of the size of the cover. 


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Drug Cartel

What i think about the Cartel is i think its horrible what these people are doing to the citizens in Mexico and just Incessant people .   "When I arrived in Juarez," says Antebi, "within an hour, over the police scanners, a body has been found. And maybe 30 minutes later, another body. I think this outrageous slaughtering people for what? some thing that only gives satisfaction for only minuets Stuff like this makes you think about these pot head kids who are smoking something that some guy bled all over those kids cant get that through there thick skulls! The only thing i can do ... The only thing anyone can do is just pray for all this chaos to stop.

My Favorite photo is the first photo with the abandon car with a dead body wrap in a purple and white blanket. The technical aspect that this Photographer used was simplicity Because the main focus is the abandon car the reason i like this photo is well its eerie feeling to know that there's a rotting cadaver in the back of a abandon car and it gives you a really good idea about goes down in Mexico.            

Making in black and white print

1.) List the materials (equipment) necessary to make a black and white print.         

  Timers , drying cabinets , tongs , enlargers , focusing Aids , Safe lights. 
2.) List the chemicals we might be using to make a print and where one would buy those chemicals.  

Developer, stop bath, fixer. Kodak site          
 3.) Summarize in one or two paragraphs the process from start to finish    
Secure the lens in the enlarger which sits directly above photo rotate the apeture ring and turn on the enlarger light. Switch enlarger light off then take a piece of print paper place it on the base board shiny side up. Place negatives side up on top of print paper . Set enlarger timer for 10 seconds  Time will vary depending on the negative.        

4.) Post a photo of the equipment necessary to make a black and white print

1. emulsion-A mixture of too or more liquids.

2. aperture- Its the whole where light travels in a camera. 

3. masking easel-Photo print paper.

4. exposure- the amount of light in a photo.

5. safe light- provides illumination without the wavelengths of the light spectrum.

6. dodging-  a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area.
7. burning-  adds more exposer to the area.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Post Shoot reflection

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get close, capture real moments, and capture action or emotion? Explain how you dealt with these challenges.                

The challenges i faced was trying to apply my photos to some rules like the rule of thirds and the rule of lines stuff like that . And to make sure the lighting is right .        

2. What technical aspects of photography (focus, exposure, composition) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.       

The technical aspects i ran into were mostly focus and exposure . Because of the different lighting in the class rooms.                

3. Explain how you attempted to use at least one of the advanced composition techniques you learned in class while shooting.                 

I used the rule of lines in this one class room with rows of computers with two students working.        

4. What would you do differently the next time you shoot to improve your photographs?  

I would have worked on the light exposer because every photo i took had the meter in negative

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Processing black and white photos

1.) List the materials (equipment) necessary to process black and white film
    Running water, Place where you can mix liquids,measuring beakers, Thermometer, Stir sticks ,funnels , Storage bottles , developer ,stop bath , and fixer.    

2.) List the chemicals we might be using in the darkroom and where one would buy those chemicals
 developer , stop bath, and fixer you can buy this stuff at the Kodak web site.

3.) Summarize in one or two paragraphs the process from start to finish  
     First you will have too go to the Developer and place your photo in it for 30 seconds then after that place your photo in the stop bath for a minuet and a half. Then you place your photo in the fixer for 6 minuets make sure the whole photo is submerge in the fixer. Then you should wash your photo for a minuet and a half .


4.) Post a photo of the equipment necessary to process film
5.) Post a photo of the chemicals necessary to process film        

1. Contact sheet   Roll of film on one page.

2. Agitation when you stir a solution .

3. Enlarger makes the photo bigger .

4. Developer shows the picture on the film.

5. Stop Bath  Dilutes the chimerical.

6. Fixer  washes away chemicals in your photo.